Cumberland is a medium sized town in Rhode Island.
It has a population of 34,694 people and six constituent neighborhoods.
Cumberland is the 8th largest community in Rhode Island.
Cumberland is neither predominantly white collar or blue collar -
It's a mixed workforce of both white and blue collar jobs.
The racial makeup of the town is 92.8% White, 1.5% African
American 0.3% Indigenous American, 2.3% Asian, 0.03% Pacific
Islander, 1.4% from some other race and 1.7% from two or more
According to the 2016 RI Student Survey, 38.6% of Cumberland High School students have tried marijuana.
- Past 30 day use report 11.4% of middle school youth have reported
riding in a car driven by someone who was drinking alcohol.
- Past 30 day use report 2.7% of middle school youth used OTC
medication for non-medical purposes.
- Past 30 day use report 1.6% of middle school students report using
tobacco/nicotine products.
The strategies and activities implemented include community education, information dissemination, media campaigns, Boys and Girls Club after school programs, Cumberland/Lincoln YWCA after school programs, alternative youth activities through the Above the Influence Program, Hidden in Plain Sight, Pick Your No's, monthly newsletter and prom/graduation speakers.